Sunday, August 31, 2008


So I have finally succumbed to the world of blogging.

The purpose of this blog is to spread the good word on all things I feel need to be communicated to others. Music, food, art and maybe a current event here and there. I also plan on having guest bloggers in whom I value their opinion write some interesting tidbits on here as well.

Today is not only the first day of my blogging career, but also my first day as a California resident (yay!) I have just moved to Los Angeles from Miami ending a 25 year affair with a city I love so much, yet dislike so much.

So I guess this would be the time to leave a track I can't stop listening to, except I do not know how to do that yet =/

I promise to have that figured out soon enough. Till next time.... 'Cuidate, que de los buenos quedamos poco'


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