Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Alberto Godoy: Cuban Artist

If you ever been to a Cuban's home, chances are you will notice a painting or two on the wall with an emphasis on fat people. That piece was probably painted by Alberto Godoy. He is a Cuban-born artist who fled Cuban oppression in 1980. With memories of his homeland still very clear in his mind, Godoy's work is strongly influenced by life in Cuba. While the very rich colors he uses make his paintings attract the eye, what usually sticks out are his signature fat, round people (or objects- see guitar below). Here is some of his work:

For more info:
Alberto Godoy Official Site

...and with that I leave you with this cuban-influenced track that I cannot stop listening to today... Enjoy!

La Pena - A1 (Original Mix)

1 comment:

Blogger said...

im officially requesting a blog about Herman Leonard.
make it happen.