Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tell No One... WATCH IT!

Let me start by saying I'm not the kind of person to promote something just cause its 'underground' or 'indie'. That being said, my ladyfriend and I decided to visit one of the many local independent movie theaters here in LA and randomly chose a film playing there. After flipping a coin (or something to that effect), we decided to watch the French movie 'Tell No One', Guillaume Canet’s adaptation of Harlan Coben’s 2001 best seller. 10 minutes into the movie, you totally forget that you are reading subtitles and find yourself completely immersed in this mind-fuck of a mystery (atleast I was. If you aren't, thennnn you suck). Great music. Great camera work. Great acting. Great writing. GREAT MOVIE. Soooo in a nutshell, find a local theater that is playing the film. TRUST.

Here is the trailer:

If my commentary is not enough to convince you, here is the link to the films Rotten Tomato review. It received an unprecedented 92% critic rating.

Rotten Tomato Review


P.S.: As we were walking out of the movie, we noticed that we were sitting next to the great NAPOLEON DYNAMITE. 'SWEEEEEEEET!'

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